KELAS 5 B. INGGRIS (Transportation)


In the 1830s London’s authorities had the idea of linking the centre of London with the large train stations which were located farther away. In 1863 the first underground railway, the Metropolitan Line, opened. Wooden carriages were powered by steam locomotives. The system of tracks gradually expanded. By the end of the 19th century, most lines used electricity to power the trains. During World War II many tube stations were air-raid shelters where people sought protection during the German bombing of the city.

Over the course of history, the size of the tunnels changed, so that today, two different types of trains travel across the city. Modern escalators bring passengers to the deep level stations of the tube. The Jubilee Line is the last line to be built. It was opened in 1979 in honour of Queen Elizabeth’s 25th anniversary as monarch. In the 1990s it was extended eastwards to the Docklands. 

Alat-alat transportasi dibagi menjadi tiga jenis, yaitu:

1. Land Transportation
2. Water Transportation
3. Air Transportation

1. Land Transportations (Alat-Alat Transportasi Darat)
    - car : mobil
    - bus : bus
    - school bus : bus sekolah
    - bicycle : sepeda
    - motorcycle : motor
    - truck : truk
    - train : kereta
    - taxi : taksi
    - scooter : skuter
    - crosstown : angkutan kota
    - pick-up car : mobil terbuka
    - pedicab : becak

2. Water Transportations (Alat-Alat Transportasi Air)
    - ship : kapal
    - yatch : perahu layar
    - boat : perahu
    - tanker : kapal tangki
    - submarine : kapal selam
    - sailing boat : perahu layar

3. Air Transportations (Alat-Alat Transportasi Udara)
    - plane : pesawat
    - helicopter : helikopter
    - air balloon : balon udara

1. Jika ingin menanyakan alat transportasi  yang biasa digunakan seseorang, maka menggunakan kalimat:
    - How do you go to school?
      (Bagaimana kamu pergi ke sekolah?)
    - I go to school by crosstown,
      (Saya ke sekolah naik angkutan kota.)
    - How does she go to the market?
      (Bagaimana dia pergi ke pasar?)
    - She goes to the market by bus.
      (Dia ke pasar naik bus.)

2. Jika ingin menanyakan alat transportasi yang akan digunakan seseorang untuk bepergian, maka menggunakan kalimat:
    - How will your brother go to Bandung?
      (Bagaimana kakak kamu akan pergi ke Bandung?)
    - My brother will go to Bandung by car.
      (Kakak saya akan pergi ke Bandung menggunakan mobil.)
    - How will you go to Singapore?
      (Bagaimana kamu pergi ke Singapura?
    - I will go to Singapore by plane.
      (Saya akan pergi ke Singapura menggunakan pesawat.)

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